In bridge, each player is dealt thirteen cards. 在桥牌游戏中,每一位牌手拿到13张牌。
There was a fellow here last year, oddly enough a namesake of mine, who was the best bridge player I ever met. 去年这里有一个人,凑巧还和我同姓,我从来没有遇到过一个桥牌打得如此之好的人。
A number of captains of industry enjoy poker or bridge – psychological games that require the player to read players and calculate probabilities. 很多行业巨头喜欢打扑克或者桥牌。这两个游戏玩的都是心理&要求玩家能够读懂其他玩家的心理,计算各种情况发生的概率。
Who was the best bridge player I ever met. 是我见过的桥牌打得最精的人。
( bridge) the number of tricks a bridge player is willing to contract to make. (桥牌)打桥牌的人约定使用的点数。
Jeremy was an enthusiastic bridge player at HKUST, and one of the activities he misses most is unwinding after study over a game of cards with the friends he made here. 周哲爱打桥牌,乐此不疲。最令他心旷神怡的是在一天紧张的学习之后,同科大的三五桥友围坐桌前切磋牌技。
Mr Cayne, who is 74, was not the only bridge player. 74岁的凯恩并不是唯一玩桥牌的人。
Mr Cayne took over as chief executive in 1993 and as chairman in 2001, all the while remaining a world-class bridge player who has now piled up 12 national tournament championships. 1993年,凯恩接过首席执行官一职,2001年开始担任董事长。同时,他仍然是世界级桥牌玩家,现已将12个国内锦标赛冠军收入囊中。
With the construction of Sutong Bridge projected to be completed by2008, Nantong is ever becoming an important player in the Yangtze Delta economic circle, centered by shanghai. 2008年苏通长江大桥建成后,南通将成为以上海为中心的长三角经济区的更重要的一员。
Acting as a bridge between control center and player terminals, positioning agent can accurately monitor the player terminals to obtain their address and configuration information. Control center can communicate with player terminals effectively through positioning agent. 定位代理作为监控中心与播放终端通信的桥梁,对播放终端进行定位,使监控中心能准确地获取播放终端的地址和配置信息,以便监控中心能与播放终端进行有效联系。